There are several measures you can take to ensure you are getting the most bang for your buck when researching AC repair companies. Though many companies assure that they offer the “lowest prices in town”, there’s an extremely high possibility that they’re cutting important corners to hit that price point. First and foremost, you should make sure that they can follow through with their work. You will be taking an enormous risk if you give your business to a company that doesn’t offer any kind of warranty either on labor or the parts they use.
Secondly, make sure that they offer inspections before they start their work. A company that is able to send a technician to a given site and evaluate the work that needs to be done will then be able to provide you an upfront price. Dishonest companies usually skip this step, which allows for them to charge you extra throughout the job after the original estimate, leading to unreasonable costs that add up to much more than what they originally quote you at before starting the job.
However, our team at Courtesy Air Conditioning and Heating takes enormous pride in the quality of our workmanship, as well as our enormous focus customer service. Every single one of our technicians are fully licensed and insured, and have the ability to service and repair all of the major brands and models in the industry. If you want to save yourself unnecessary hassle, and receive top quality and assured work at extremely affordable prices, contact us today for all of your AC repair needs.